Which are the Best Books to Prepare For the GATE Exam?

Which are the best books to prepare for the GATE exam?

The Graduate aptitude test in engineering is responsible for testing the abilities of candidates and primarily tests their comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science for admissions into masters programs and jobs in public sector companies, Best books for gate exam. GATE exam will have you scratching your head due to its vast syllabus and its fierce competition, each year students in huge numbers apply for the GATE exam to crack it and get admission into flagship colleges however with the rising competition and students bringing their preparations way early in their teens means that conquering the GATE exam is not that easy. The exam is known for the vast syllabus and will take a heavy toll on the minds of the young aspirants, however with regular practice and solving previous year’s question papers you can crack the GATE exam with great ease, Best Book For Gate Exam.  

Choose the best gate coaching for gate examination, Coming back to the main question of which are the best books to prepare for the GATE exam, by knowing what books are good and what books are not that good candidates can simply choose the books that are known for their comprehensive explanation of topics and prepare for their GATE exam with ease, Best books to crack the exam. in this article, we will discuss what are the best books to prepare for the GATE exam and how you can improve your skills and overall abilities to crack the GATE exam with great ease. Stick to the end of this article and choose a book that provides a comprehensive yet concise explanation of concepts and topics, GATE entrance examination

Best books for GATE preparation for CSE exam 

Name of the Book Name of the Author 
Architecture Hamacher
Algorithm Cormen
Operating System Galvin
TOC – Theory of Computation  Ullman

Best Books for GATE preparation for ECE exam 

Name of the Book Name of the Author
Electronic Devices Circuits  Millman and Halkias 
Integrated Electronics Millman and Halkias
Switching and Finite Automatic Theory Kohavi
Microprocessor and its Applications  Gaonkar
Modern Control Systems  Ogata

Best books for GATE preparation for Agricultural Engineering exam 

Name of the book Name of the Author 
Concept of Agricultural Engineering Mohanty Das
Farm Machinery Three Authors
Soil & Water Conservation VVN Murty 

Best books for GATE preparation for Chemical Engineering exam 

Name of the book Name of the Author 
An insight into chemical engineering  M.Subbu
Chemical engineering for GATE principles solved problems and objective type questions Ram Prasad
Essentials of chemical reaction engineering Fogler
Heat transfer JP Holman
Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics JM Smith
Principles of mass transfer and separation processes BM Dutta
Unit operations of chemical engineering McCabe – FPM and MO

Best books for GATE preparation for Civil Engineering exam 

Name of the book Name of the Author 
Environment 1 and 2  S K Garg
Fluid mechanics R K Bansal
Highway engineering  Khanna and Justo
Open channel flow and engineering hydrology K Subramanya
RCC Pillai and Menon
Soil mechanics and foundation engineering Gopal and Ranjan 
Steel Bhavikatti

Best books for GATE preparation for electrical engineering exam 

Name of the book  Name of the Author 
Electrical machines  Nagrath, Kothari 
Fundamentals of circuits Alexander, Sadiku
Power electronics  P S Bimbhra

Best books for GATE preparation for geology geophysics exam 

Name of the book Name of the Author
Complete master guide GATE  Amresh Singh
Geophysics  Telford

Best books for GATE preparation for mechanical engineering exam 

Name of the book Name of the Author 
Fluid Mechanics R.K. Bansal, Frank M.White
Heat Transfer Cengel
Production engineering Swadesh Singh
Thermodynamics P.K. Nag
Theory of Machine S.S. Ratan

Best books for GATE preparation for production and industrial 

Name of the book Name of the Author 
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Modi and Seth
Heat transfer Made easy class notes
IC engine Mathur Sharma
Material Science  Made easy class notes and Swadesh Singh
Machine design VB Bhandari
Production S K Mondal Notes

Swadesh Singh 

Refrigeration Made easy class notes 
Strength of Material  Sadhu Singh 
Thermodynamics  P.K. Nag
Theory of Machine  SS Ratan 

Benefits of preparation for the GATE exam with these books

Preparation for the GATE exam, There are multiple factors that a candidate must keep in mind while preparing for the GATE exam, the exam is one of the most highly competitive exams and takes a heavy toll on the minds of the young aspirants however with the help of the above-listed books you can begin your GATE exam preparation with great ease and crack the exam with great scores. The GATE exam will have you doubting your skills and your abilities but you must keep your sole goal in mind at all times and move forward with a positive attitude. The GATE exam can be conquered easily with the help of the above-listed books and will give great determination and focus, Choose the Best Book for Gate Examination.

What are the benefits of the above-mentioned books?

  • The above-mentioned books are some of the easiest to understand books that describe each and every topic and concept in great detail, bring extremely comprehensive and easy to understand makes these books great, the readability of these books, the simplicity, the concise manner of explaining topics and the easy to understand the language of the books makes them so special and easy to prepare for the GATE exam with. Being affordable and easy to understand makes these books so popular among the candidates and highly recommended. 
  • A concise explanation of each and every topic, concept, and chapter makes these books highly desired and highly recommended, the consistency with which the topics are explained in these books allows to have seamless connectivity between the topics and make learning much easier and fun. Explaining chapters and concepts in crisp and easy-to-understand language makes these books extremely helpful.
  • These books contain highly accurate knowledge about multiple topics and concepts and have accurate information on various topics, this makes these books highly reliable and accurate which is the reason for their immense popularity among the aspirants of the country. With zero misleading information in the books makes these are some of the best books to read from and prepare for the GATE exam
  • The books have great pictorial representations, with highly detailed diagrams and a great overall presentation making these books flagship and making reading from these books very easy. With the help of these books, there are higher chances for candidates to retain information due to the detailed diagrams and the overall great presentation of topics and concepts. 
  • By avoiding fancy language these books are some of the best for the preparation for the GATE exam and make learning fun and breezy, by using fancy language explaining and understanding topics and concepts becomes a very tedious task however with easy to understand language there is a higher chance for candidates to understand what the concepts are and what the book is actually trying to explain. 

Understanding GATE

With the help of the best books for the preparation for the GATE exam, we aim to help the young aspirants of the country, with this article and the above mentions ed books list we aim to make the education industry a better place for new candidates and make the GATE exam a little less intimidating, with this article you can easily choose the book that you think is the best for you and being your GATE exam preparation. We focus on providing the aspirant of the country with the best information and the most relatable information in the most concise manner with this article you can easily benign your GATE exam journey the right way and choose a book that resonates with your learning style the most, by a list of the top books to prepare for the GATE we aim to make the education industry of the country a lot easier going and easy to understand. 

Understanding GATE syllabus 

The GATE syllabus is highly important to understand, with a proper understanding of the GATE syllabus one can easily begin his/her preparation for the GATE exam easily, by understanding the GATE syllabus you can easily go around the GATE exam preparation and achieve great results in your GATE exam. A total of 29 papers are conducted and a candidate can appear for up to one or two papers, however, a candidate is only allowed to select the second paper from on the predefined paper combination list. The GATE paper is of a total of 100 marks, the General Aptitude is common for all papers and is of 15 marks and the rest of the papers cover the respective syllabus and are of 85 marks. 


The GATE exam is a highly competitive exam and requires great determination from its candidates, aspirants are requested to stay determined and focused throughout their GATE exam preparation and stick to a rigid timetable/schedule that accounts for each hour of their day to make them more efficient with their time and be more motivated to study more and achieve more. With that said, the GATE exam is one of the most highly competitive exams and requires great focus from its candidates. 

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