Gate Exam Pattern: Explore Important Details Of 2022 Exam Pattern

Gate Exam Pattern: Explore Important Details of 2022 Exam Pattern

The most important thing that you can do for the preparation for the GATE entrance examination is to motivate yourself with the guitar graduate aptitude test in engineering. It is a constructive thing you can do that is why it is essential to go through the GATE examination pattern 2022. Knowing the most important facts about the marking scheme of the examination, mode, examination paper and other relevant information. The Indian Institute of Technology will publish the examination pattern 2022 simultaneously with the official brochure. The GATE examination pattern consists of the marking scheme subject scored the mode of examination question paper and many other thanks with the help of the GATE examination pattern. The candidate will be able to unfold many vital details related to the GATE entrance examination that can help them in the preparation of GATE.

What is the GATE Exam Pattern?

Here we are providing the highlights of GATE exam pattern 2020 so the students should walk through these highlights to uncover some of the vital information related to the pattern of the GATE examination.

  • The GATE entrance examination is conducted through online mode which means this examination is a computer-based examination. 
  • The duration of the examination is 3 hours and 180 minutes. 
  • The sectional time duration is not given to the candidates.
  • The total marks are a hundred.
  • The total number of questions asked in the GATE examination is 65 and the number of subjects at 29. 
  • The number of sections depends on the number of subjects chosen by the candidate 2 to 3 GA and core discipline or GA, engineering mathematics, and core subjects.
  • The type of questions asked in this examination is multiple-choice questions, multiple select questions, and numerical answer type.
  • For every right answer the candidate gets 1 or 2 marks for the wrong answer there will be a negative marking for 1 mark MCQ one-third marks will be deducted for the wrong answer and for 2 marks MCQ to third marks will be deducted.
  • There is no negative marking for multiple select questions and numerical answer types.

GATE Examination Pattern

Paper Code Exam Pattern
For the subject codes, CE, CS, EC, AE, AG, BT, CH, ME, MN, MT, EE, IN, TF, XE, PE, ST, and PI GA (General Aptitude) – 15

Engineering Mathematics – 13 questions

The subject of the Paper – 72 questions

CY, GG, EY, XL, PH, and MA GA (General Aptitude) – 15

The subject of the Paper – 85

Detailed GATE Examination Pattern 2022 – Subject Code Wise

The aspirants need to understand that the GATE examination pattern is not the same for all disciplines. The GATE examination pattern 2022 is changed for every paper depending on the segments and the division of the marks. However general aptitude is a section that is common in all the GATE papers it comprises 15% of the weightage.

Subject Number of questions Marks per Question Total Marks
General Aptitude 5 1 5
5 2 10
Total 10 15

 The Subject having codes like AE, AG, BM, BT, CE, ME, MN, MT, CH, CS, EC, EE, ES, IN, PE, PI, TF, and XE contains 15% of general aptitude 13% of Engineering mathematics and 72% of the course subjects.

Sections Marks Weightage
(GA) General Aptitude 15%
(EM) Engineering Mathematics 13%
Core Discipline 72%

 The general aptitude section includes 10 questions apart from these 10 questions there will be 55 questions that comprise engineering mathematics and core discipline. The candidate gets 25 questions where every question will carry one mark and 30 questions where every question carries two marks.

Subject Code Number of questions Marks per Question Total Marks
AE, AG, BM, BT, CE, ME, MN, MT, CH, CS, EC, EE, ES, IN, PE, PI, TF, and XE 25 1 25
30 2 60
Total 55 85

The subjects with codes like AR, CY, PH, ST, EY, GG, MA, XH, and XL comprises 15% of the general aptitude and 85% of the code discipline. 

Sections Number of Questions Weightage
(GA) General Aptitude 15 15%
Core Discipline 55 85%

Following is the specific GATE examination pattern in marking scheme 2022 for the subjects like AR, EY, CY, MA, and PH

Subjects Number of questions Marks per Question Total Marks
EY, CY, MA, PH 25 1 25
30 2 60
Total 55 85

Architecture and Planning (AR) Exam Pattern for GATE 2022

This part of the GATE examination comprises a total of three parts that includes 

  • General aptitude that holds 15 marks. 
  • Apart from general aptitude, this paper contains two more parts that are compulsory for all the candidates and it holds 60 marks. 
  • Part B contains two optional sections where part B1 is architecture and part B2 is planning and it holds 25 marks.


The candidate needs to make sure that they have to follow this new pattern for the AR discipline.

The Pattern of GATE 2022 for Geology and Geophysics Subject 

The GATE geology and geophysics paper includes three sections that are 

  • general aptitude part A and part B. 
  • The GA section and part of the mandatory sections to attend. 
  • while part B is divided into two segments that include segment 1 is geology and segment 2 is geophysics.


The applicants are required to choose either section 1 or section 2 from part B.

Sections Sub-section Number of Questions Marks per Question Total Marks
GA 10 1 or 2 15
Part A 25 1 25
Part B (based on the candidate’s preference) Geology 30 2 60
Geophysics 30 2 60

Gate Exam Pattern 2022 For Engineering Sciences 

The GATE 2022 engineering sciences paper is divided into three segments where 

  • Segment one is a general aptitude 
  • Segment 2 is section A that is Engineering mathematics. 
  • Segment 3 is where the candidates have to choose any two from section B-H of the GATE engineering sciences paper.

Following are the subjects under B-H:- 

  1. XE-B – Fluid mechanics
  2. XE-G – Food Technology
  3. XE-C – Material Science
  4. XE-D – Solid mechanics
  5. XE-E – Thermodynamics
  6. XE-F – Polymer Science and Engineering
  7. XE-H – Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences


Engineering mathematics is the mandatory section for the GATE examination.

Detailed GATE Exam Pattern 2022 for XE Paper

Section Total Number of 1 Mark Questions Total Number of 2 Mark Questions Total Number of Questions Total Marks
GA 5 5 10 15
Section A (Engineering Sciences) 7 4 11 15
Section B (Any two of these. Based on the candidate’s preference) 9+9 13+13 22+22=44 35+35= 70
Total 30 70 65 100

GATE Exam Pattern 2022 For Humanities and Social Sciences 

The GATE XH paper is a new subject. It was introduced in 2021 and the candidates who belong to the humanities background can also apply for the GATE examination. this paper contains three sections where 

  • section 1 is a general aptitude 
  • section 2 is B1 (reasoning and comprehension) 
  • section 3 is a section where the candidates have to choose any 2 from section C1-C6.

The subjects under C1-C6 are:- 

  • XH–C1: Economics
  • XH–C5: Psychology
  • XH–C2: English
  • XH–C3: Linguistics
  • XH–C4: Philosophy
  • XH–C6: Sociology

Detailed GATE Paper Pattern for XH 

Section Total Number of 1 mark questions Total Number of 2 mark questions Total Number of Questions Total Marks
GA 5 5 10 15
B1 (Reasoning and Comprehension) 5 10 15 15
C1-C6 (Any two of these. Based on the candidate’s preference) 20 20 40 60
Total 30 70 65 100

GATE Exam Pattern For Life Sciences (XL)

The GATE XL paper contains three sections where 

  • section 1 is general aptitude. 
  • section 2 is section P (chemistry) 
  • section 3 is the candidates have to choose any 2 from section Q or U.

The subjects under Q-U are:- 

  1. XL-R – Botany
  2. XL-S – Microbiology
  3. XL-T – Zoology
  4. XL-Q – Biochemistry
  5. XL-U – Food Technology

Detailed GATE Exam Pattern for XL Paper 

Section Total Number of 1 mark questions Total Number of 2 mark questions Total Number of Questions Total Marks
GA 5 5 10 15
Section P(Chemistry) 5 10 15 25
Section Q-U(Any two of these) 10+10 10+10 20+20=40 30+30=60
Total 30 70 65 100

 GATE Exam Pattern Marking Scheme 

The GATE aspirants of the 2022 examination need to know about the marking scheme for the particular subject. There are a total of 27 subjects. The GATE examination comprises a total of 65 questions of hundred marks.

Paper or Subject Code General Aptitude (GA) Marks Core Subject Marks Total Marks Total Time
AE, AG, BM, BT, CE, CH, CS, CY, EC, EE, ES, EY, IN, MA, ME, MN, MT, NM, PE, PH, PI, TF, ST 15 85 100 3 Hours
AR [Part A + Part B (B1: Architecture or B2: Planning)] 15 60+25 100 3 Hours
GE [Part A + Part B (Section I or Section II) 15 55+30 100 3 Hours
GG [Part A + Part B (Section 1: Geology or Section 2: Geophysics)] 15 25 + 60 100 3 Hours
XE (Section A + Any 2 Sections) 15 15 + (2 x 35) 100 3 Hours
XH (Section B1 +Any 1 Section) 15 25 + 60 100 180
XL (Section P+Any 2 Sections) 15 25 + (2 x 30) 100 180

GATE Exam Subject Wise Weightage 

With the knowledge of the pattern of the GATE examination, the candidate should also know about the subject-wise weightage of the papers. Knowing about the GATE examination subject-wise weightage will help the candidates in performing better in the examinations. The candidate can also prepare for the examination as per the marks and topic-wise weightage for getting better results.

Negative Marking in GATE Examination 2022 

The candidates who are going to appear for the GATE examination need to pay attention to negative marking when appearing for the examination. as there is a negative marking in this examination that can affect the results before preparing for the GATE the applicant should know about the GATE negative marking scheme.

  • There is no negative marking in the questions under multiple select questions and numerical answer types.
  • For MCQ questions there is a negative marking. Any incorrect answer in the MCQ questions will result in the reduction of the marks following is the marking scheme for the incorrect answers.
Type of Question Negative Marking/ Question
MCQ – 1 mark question 1/3
MCQ – 2 marks question 2/3

Gate Examination Pattern 2020 to the Type of Questions

As we know the type of questions and format of the GATE examination can help the candidates to understand the mode of examination and the pattern in an easy manner. the questions in the GATE examination 2022 and mainly divided into three segments that include multiple-choice questions, multiple select questions, and numerical answer types.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Every candidate is familiar with this category in multiple-choice questions the candidates are provided with four options out of which they have to choose the right answer. there is a negative marking for the wrong answers in multiple-choice questions 

Multiple Select Questions (MSQ)

The multiple select questions are also objective-type questions. For every question, the candidate gets four out of which one or more than one option is correct. there is no negative marking for this type of questions 

Numerical Answer Type (NAT)

Numerical questions ask the candidate to enter a number for the answer. This also requires you to enter the digits or to specify the correct number of the important values. This kind of answer is expected in a way that should be clear from the question. there is no negative marking for this type of question 


The candidates are recommended to go through the GATE previous year’s question papers so that they can analyze the examination pattern in a more clear way.

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