Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Best PSI Coaching Institute In Jaipur

In the vibrant city of Jaipur, where aspirations meet excellence, discerning individuals seeking to embark on a career in law enforcement converge towards the unparalleled expertise of the Best PSI Coaching in Jaipur. This esteemed institute has etched its name as a beacon of success in the field of Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) exam preparation. Renowned for its unwavering commitment to academic brilliance, a roster of seasoned faculty, and a meticulously crafted curriculum tailored for PSI aspirants, this institute stands out as the top choice for those seeking PSI coaching in Jaipur. With a track record of producing stellar results, it has rightfully earned its position as the leader in the realm of top PSI coaching institutes in Jaipur. The institute’s holistic approach, incorporating comprehensive study materials, strategic exam strategies, and personalized mentorship, distinguishes it as the preferred destination for PSI exam readiness. As the go-to institute for aspiring law enforcement professionals, it continues to set benchmarks, nurturing individuals and guiding them towards success in the dynamic field of policing.

Enroll through Gharघरshiksha and avail up to a 20% discount on coaching fees. Complete the Enquiry Form now.

What is the Rajasthan Police SI Exam

The Rajasthan Police SI Exam, a gateway to a rewarding career in law enforcement, is a highly competitive examination aimed at selecting candidates for the esteemed position of Sub-Inspector in the Rajasthan Police Department. Aspirants undergo a rigorous selection process that includes a written examination, physical efficiency test, and a comprehensive interview. Success in the Rajasthan Police SI Exam demands a thorough understanding of subjects like General Knowledge, General Science, and Logical Reasoning. Given the competitive nature of the exam, candidates often seek guidance from the “Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur” to enhance their preparation. These coaching institutes in Jaipur, recognized as the “Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur,” provide expert faculty, comprehensive study materials, and a competitive learning environment, ensuring aspirants are well-equipped to excel in the PSI exam. Choosing the right “PSI Coaching In Jaipur” becomes pivotal in navigating the intricacies of the examination and securing success in this prestigious law enforcement entrance.

Syllabus Of the PSI Exam

Rajasthan Police SI Syllabus for Paper 1

 (General Hindi) 

शब्द रचना : संधि एवं संधि विच्छेद, समास, प्रत्यय, उपसर्ग |
शब्द प्रकार : तत्सम शब्द, तद्भव शब्द, अर्द्ध-तत्सम शब्द, देशज-विदेशज शब्द,, प्रत्यय तथा उपसर्ग |
शब्द ज्ञान : पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
भाषा तथा व्याकरण, वर्ण तथा ध्वनि विचार : शब्द विचार
संज्ञा, सर्वनाम तथा विशेषण, क्रिया, अवयव तथा क्रिया विशेषण :
संधि, लिंग, वचन तथा कारक :
मुहावरे : अर्थ एवं प्रयोग
लोकोक्तियाँ तथा कहावतें, शब्दों में सामान्य अशुद्धियां :
वाक्यों में सामान्य अशुद्धियां :
रस, अलंकार तथा छंद :
शुद्ध वर्तनी, वाक्‍यांशों के स्‍थान पर एक शब्‍द, समरूपी भिन्‍नार्थक शब्‍द, अशुद्ध वाक्‍यों को शुद्ध करना :
हिन्‍दी भाषा में पुरस्‍कार :
हिंदी और अन्य भारतीय भाषाएँ :
प्रसिद्ध कवि लेखक एवं उनकी प्रसिद्ध रचनायें :
हिंदी साहित्य, रचना एवं रचनाकार :
अपठित गद्यांश :
वाक्य रचना, विराम चिन्हों का प्रयोग, पारिभाषिक शब्दावली, वाक्य शुद्धि आदि :

राजस्थान सब-इंस्पेक्टर सिलेबस : पेपर 2 (GK/GS)

भूगोल : विश्व, भारत और राजस्थान
इतिहास : भारत और राजस्थान
कला और संस्कृति : भारत और राजस्थान
अर्थव्यवस्था : भारत और राजस्थान
विज्ञान : भौतिक विज्ञानं/रसायन विज्ञानं/ जीव विज्ञानं
गणित : रीजनिंग
राजनीति : भारत और राजस्थान
Current Affairs :

विश्व, भारत और राजस्थान का भूगोल

विश्व का भूगोल :
  • व्यापक भौतिक विशेषताएं।
  • पर्यावरण और पारिस्थितिक मुद्दे।
  • वन्यजीव और जैव विविधता।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जलमार्ग।
  • प्रमुख औद्योगिक क्षेत्र।
भारत का भूगोल :
  • खनिज – लोहा, मैंगनीज, कोयला, तेल और गैस, परमाणु खनिज।
  • व्यापक भौतिक विशेषताएं और प्रमुख भौगोलिक विभाजन।
  • कृषि और कृषि आधारित गतिविधियाँ।
  • प्रमुख उद्योग और औद्योगिक विकास।
  • परिवहन– प्रमुख परिवहन गलियारे।
  • पर्यावरणीय समस्याएं और पारिस्थितिक मुद्दे।
  • प्राकृतिक संसाधन।
राजस्थान का भूगोल :
  • राजस्थान के प्राकृतिक संसाधन- जलवायु, प्राकृतिक वनस्पति, वन, वन्य
  • व्यापक भौतिक विशेषताएं और प्रमुख भौगोलिक विभाजन।
  • प्रमुख उद्योग और औद्योगिक विकास की संभावनाएं।
  • जीवन और जैव विविधता प्रमुख सिंचाई परियोजनाएं।
  • खान और खनिज।
  • जनसंख्या।

भारतीय और राजस्थानी कला, संस्कृति, साहित्य, परंपरा और विरासत

राजस्थानी संस्कृति, परंपराएं और विरासत
  • राजस्थान के धार्मिक आंदोलन, संत और लोक देवता।
  • स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन, राजनीतिक जागृति और एकता।
वास्तुकला की मुख्य विशेषताएं
  • किले, और स्मारक कला।
  • पेंटिंग और हस्तशिल्प।
स्थानीय बोलियाँ, मेले, त्यौहार, लोक संगीत और लोक नृत्य
राजस्थानी साहित्य की महत्वपूर्ण कृतियाँ
सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक मुद्दे
राजस्थान की प्रमुख हस्तियां
महत्वपूर्ण पर्यटन स्थल

भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था

अर्थशास्त्र की मूल अवधारणाएं
अर्थव्यवस्था के प्रमुख क्षेत्र

कृषि, उद्योग, सेवा और व्यापार- वर्तमान स्थिति, मुद्दे और पहल।


अवधारणा, प्रभाव और नियंत्रण तंत्र आर्थिक विकास और योजना

बजट, बैंकिंग, सार्वजनिक वित्त

राष्ट्रीय आय, विकास और विकास का बुनियादी ज्ञान

गरीबी और बेरोजगारी

संकल्पना, प्रकार, कारण, उपचार और वर्तमान प्रमुख योजनाएं।

सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता

कमजोर वर्गों के लिए प्रावधान।


प्रशासन में अवधारणा, उपकरण और उपयोग

स्टॉक एक्सचेंज और शेयर बाजार
राजकोषीय और मौद्रिक नीतियां
सब्सिडी, सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली
पंचवर्षीय योजनाएँ

उद्देश्य, रणनीतियाँ और उपलब्धियाँ।

प्रमुख आर्थिक समस्याएं और सरकारी पहल
आर्थिक सुधार और उदारीकरण
मानव संसाधन और आर्थिक विकास

मानव विकास सूची


राजस्थान की अर्थव्यवस्था

कार्यक्रम और योजनाएं

अनुसूचित जाति/अनुसूचित जनजाति/पिछड़े वर्ग/अल्पसंख्यकों/विकलांग व्यक्तियों, निराश्रितों, महिलाओं, बच्चों, वृद्ध लोगों, किसानों और मजदूरों के लिए सरकारी कल्याण योजनाएं।

अर्थव्यवस्था का एक मैक्रो अवलोकन
प्रमुख कृषि, औद्योगिक और सेवा क्षेत्र के मुद्दे
विकास, विकास और योजना
बुनियादी ढांचा और संसाधन
प्रमुख विकास परियोजनाएं

भारतीय संविधान, राजनीतिक व्यवस्था शासन

संवैधानिक विकास और भारतीय संविधान
  • भारत सरकार अधिनियम: 1919 और 1935, संविधान सभा, भारतीय की प्रकृति
  • संविधान; प्रस्तावना, मौलिक अधिकार, राज्य के निदेशक सिद्धांत, मौलिक कर्तव्य, संघीय संरचना, संवैधानिक संशोधन, आपातकालीन प्रावधान, जनहित याचिका (पीआईएल), और न्यायिक समीक्षा।
भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था और शासन
  • भारतीय राज्य की प्रकृति, भारत में लोकतंत्र, राज्यों का पुनर्गठन, गठबंधन सरकारें, राजनीतिक दल, राष्ट्रीय एकता।
  • संघ और राज्य कार्यकारिणी; संघ और राज्य विधानमंडल, न्यायपालिका राष्ट्रपति, संसद, सुप्रीम कोर्ट, चुनाव आयोग, नियंत्रक और महालेखा परीक्षक, योजना आयोग, राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद, केंद्रीय सतर्कता आयोग (CVC), केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग, लोकपाल, राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग (NHRC)।
  • स्थानीय स्वशासन और पंचायती राज सार्वजनिक नीति और अधिकार
  • कल्याणकारी राज्य के रूप में राष्ट्रीय सार्वजनिक नीति।
विभिन्न कानूनी अधिकार और नागरिक चार्टर

राजस्थान की राजनीतिक और प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था

राज्यपाल, मुख्यमंत्री, राज्य विधानसभा, उच्च न्यायालय, राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग, जिला प्रशासन, राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग, लोकायुक्त, राज्य चुनाव आयोग, राज्य सूचना आयोग।
सार्वजनिक नीति, कानूनी अधिकार और नागरिक चार्टर।

विज्ञान (Science)

  • रसायन विज्ञानं
  • भौतिक विज्ञानं
  • जीव विज्ञानं

 तर्क और मानसिक क्षमता

Logical Reasoning (Deductive, Inductive, Abductive)
  • कथन और धारणाएँ, कथन और तर्क, कथन और निष्कर्ष, कार्रवाई के पाठ्यक्रम, विश्लेषणात्मक तर्क
Mental Ability
  • नंबर सीरीज, लेटर सीरीज, ऑड मैन आउट, कोडिंग-डिकोडिंग, रिलेशन्स से संबंधित प्रॉब्लम्स, शेप्स और उनके सब-सेक्शन
Basic Numeracy
  • गणितीय और सांख्यिकीय विश्लेषण का प्रारंभिक ज्ञान। संख्या प्रणाली, परिमाण का क्रम, अनुपात और अनुपात, प्रतिशत, साधारण और चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज, डेटा विश्लेषण (तालिकाएँ, बार आरेख, रेखा ग्राफ, पाई-चार्ट)।



Book Name

Author Name

Publication House

General Knowledge

General Knowledge 2021 Lucent Publication House Lucent Publication House

General Knowledge

Arihant Publication Arihant Publication

General Studies

Manohar Panday Arihant Publications

Full Syllabus Paper

Practice & Solved Previous Year of Rajasthan Police SI Arihant Publication Arihant Publication

General Hindi

Samanya Hindi Arihant Publication Arihant Publication

General Science

Encyclopedia of General Science for general competitors Arihant Publication Arihant Publication

General Reasoning + Mental Aptitude + Mathematics

Quantitative Aptitude RS Aggarwal S Chand Publishing
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Abhijit Guha McGraw Hill
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning RS Aggarwal S Chand Publishing

 Why choose only Jaipur For Rajasthan Police SI Exam Preparation

Selecting Jaipur as the destination for Rajasthan Police SI exam preparation is a discerning choice, rooted in the city’s standing as the host to some of the most exceptional PSI coaching institutes. Jaipur emerges as a focal point for premier coaching centers, distinguished by their commitment to delivering comprehensive and specialized training crucial for excelling in the Rajasthan Police SI exam. Emphasizing quality education, seasoned faculty, and an established history of success, these coaching institutes in Jaipur, identified as the unequivocal “Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur,” guarantee aspirants a tailored approach to master the intricacies of the exam syllabus. Jaipur’s dynamic educational ambiance, complemented by abundant resources and a fiercely competitive learning milieu, positions it as the quintessential choice for those in pursuit of the unrivaled “Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

List Of PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Hey Aspirants! Are you confused about choosing the best PSI coaching institute in Jaipur, don’t be confused because In this Article we have listed the best PSI coaching institute in Jaipur & after reading this article we are sure all your confusion will be solved and you will choose it the best PSI Coaching in Jaipur so come fast and read this article to written by whole Gharघरshiksha Team so don’t be late read this fast?

Enroll through Gharघरshiksha and avail up to a 20% discount on coaching fees. Complete the Enquiry Form now.


  1. Trained by Retired Judges, PSI Qualified Candidates, Law Professors, NLU Graduates and Language Experts
  2. All Major Laws, Minor Laws, and Local Laws
  3. 600+ hours of ONLINE LIVE INTERACTIVE Classes
  4. Weekly 6 Day lectures (2-3 hours of learning)
  5. Live Interactive sessions for doubt clearance
  6. Live classes (Recorded for future reference)
  7. 2 Languages Books (1 Hindi + 1 English)
  8. 35 Full-Length Mock Test
  9. Legal E-books (Landmark Judgements, Recent Cases, and Legal updates)
  10. In-depth Analysis of Multiple Parameters
  11. Live / Recorded lectures/classes (लाइव / रिकॉर्डेड कक्षाएँ)
  12. DPPs and PDFs will be available (क्विज़ & पैनल पीडीएफ की सुविधा)
  13. Printed Practice Question Booklet (प्रिंटेड अभ्यास प्रश्न बुकलेट)
  14. Offline Counselling Sessions (ऑफलाइन काउंसलिंग सेशन)
  15. Guidance seminars / Toppers sessions at offline centers (ऑफ़लाइन केंद्रों पर मार्गदर्शन सेमिनार/टॉपर्स सत्र)
  16. 6.Offline library access – Available on slot bookings (ऑफलाइन लाइब्रेरी का एक्सेस स्लॉट बुकिंग पर उपलब्ध है)
  17. Offline Computer-based Tests – Available on slot bookings (ऑफलाइन कम्प्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट – स्लॉट बुकिंग पर उपलब्ध है)

एप की तकनीकी विशेषताएँ :-

  • वीडियो डाउनलोड की सुविधा
  • नाइट मोड रीडिंग फैसिलिटी
  • फॉन्ट साइज़ (Font Size) में परिवर्तन
  • ऑडियो की सुविधा
  • कोर्स की वैधता (Validity) – वीडियो रिकॉर्डिंग देखने की असीमित सुविधा
  • वीडियो की गुणवत्ता (Quality) व गति (Speed) में परिवर्तन

Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Address 133, Sultan Nagar, Near Gopalpura Underpass, Gurjar ki Thadi, Jaipur 302019.
Contact Number +91 7665688999.
Fee Structure Online – 20000/- Offline Classes 35,000/-
Batch Size 40-50 Small Batch Size.
Teacher’s Name MR. MK SIR ( Director ), Rakesh Dhaiya, Anjla, Neha Mam, Prateek.
Google Reviews 4.7 Out OF 5 Star 100( Reviews ).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide Handwritten Notes, PDF Notes, Class Notes, Topic Wise Notes, Subject Notes.

Rank 2. Clear Vision Classes | PSI Coaching Centre In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Clear Vision Classes | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address मेट्रो पिलर नम्बर 63, मेट्रो स्टेशन के पास, न्यू आतिश मार्केट, Gurjar Ki Thadi, चौराहा, Rajasthan 302019
Contact Number 09549525000
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 4.6 Out Of 5 Star ( 582 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, Video Lectures for PSI, Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur.

Rank 3. Power Mind Institute | Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Power Mind Institute | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address 7, Vijay Tower, Chauraha, Gopalpura Bypass Rd, near Triveni, Vishveshvariya Nagar, Arjun Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302018
Contact Number 07231980003
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 4.8 Out Of 5 Star ( 2,797 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Rank 4. Jain Classes | Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Jain Classes | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address Sawai Mansingh Rd, Indra Nagar, Himmat Nagar, Bajaj Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302018
Contact Number 09928363295
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 4.6 Out Of 5 Star ( 581 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Rank 5. IDA Classes Jaipur | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

IDA Classes Jaipur | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address Plot no. 19, bhairav nagar, Kalwar Rd, behind khandaka hospital, Hathod, Rajasthan 302012
Contact Number 09667556598
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 4.9 Out Of 5 Star ( 397 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Rank 6. Mahendra Educational Private Limited | PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Mahendra Educational Private Limited | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address KANTA CHORAHA, 1, near HDFC BANK, Laxmi Nagar III, Jagannath Puri, Suraj Nagar, Jhotwara, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302012
Contact Number 06391207063
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 4.8 Out Of 5 Star ( 206 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Rank 7. Parishkar Coaching Institute | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Parishkar Coaching Institute | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address Shop No 27 ,Riddhi Siddhi Chorha, Mansoravar Link Road, Gopalpura Bypass Rd, near Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302020
Contact Number 09928097277
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 4.3 Out Of 5 Star ( 504 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Rank 8. Sterling Education | Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Sterling Education | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address 1/1227, Surya Market, Sector 1, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017
Contact Number 09680410911
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 4.7 Out Of 5 Star ( 397 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Rank 9. Paramount Coaching Jaipur | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Paramount Coaching Jaipur | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address Pulia, 16-17, Ground floor, Sunny Paradise, Tonk Rd, near Gopalpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302018
Contact Number 09983606060
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 4.6 Out Of Star ( 1,234 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Rank 10. Youth Foundation Coaching | Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Youth Foundation Coaching | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address 3rd Floor, SBI Bank Building, Tarun Plaza, Kanta Chauraha, Ridhi Sidhi Nagar, Awadhpuri, Jhotwara, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302012
Contact Number 09610423100
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 4.9 Out Of 5 Star ( 239 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Rank 11. Mothers Education Hub | Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Mothers Education Hub | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address 201, Puliya, Tonk Road, Himmat Nagar, Gopal Pura Mode, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302018
Contact Number 07073909991
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 4.1 Out Of 5 Star ( 1,912 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Rank 12. Target Point Defence Academy | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Target Point Defence Academy | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address 65, Tonk Rd, near indian oil petrol pump, Puliya, Mansingh Pura, Tonk Phatak, Gatta, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302018
Contact Number 09982661057
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Website .
Google Reviews 4.6 Out Of 5 Star ( 163 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Rank 13. Abhimaan IAS Academy | PSI Coaching In Jaipur


Contact Details

Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Abhimaan IAS Academy | Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur

Address Kanta Chouraha, Kalwar Road, Laxmi Nagar -3, Jagannath Puri, Suraj Nagar, Jhotwara, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302012
Contact Number 09982012305
Fee Structure Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 35,000 /- Approx.
Batch Size 30 to 50.
Teacher’s Name Best Faculties for PSI Preparation.
Google Reviews 5.0 Out Of 5 Star ( 156 Google Reviews).
Past Year Result Best Past Year Result.
NOTES provide PSI Coaching Notes, PSI Preparation Booklets, Best PSI Notes for PSI Preparation, Online PSI Coaching, and Video Lectures for PSI.

Frequently Asked Questions of Best PSI Coaching in Jaipur

1. Why is Jaipur the ideal location for Rajasthan Police SI exam preparation?

ANS. Jaipur, renowned for hosting premier coaching institutes, is considered the hub of the “Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur.” Its educational excellence, experienced faculty, and proven track record make it an optimal choice for aspirants.

2. How do coaching institutes in Jaipur excel in Rajasthan Police SI exam preparation?

ANS. Coaching institutes in Jaipur stand out by offering specialized and comprehensive training, earning them recognition as the “Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur.” Their commitment to quality education ensures success in the Rajasthan Police SI exam.

3. What sets Jaipur’s coaching centers apart for Rajasthan Police SI preparation?

ANS. Jaipur’s coaching centers boast a dynamic learning environment, abundant resources, and a competitive spirit, making them unparalleled for those seeking “PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

4. Why is experienced faculty crucial for Rajasthan Police SI coaching institutes?

ANS. Experienced faculty in Jaipur’s coaching institutes play a pivotal role, providing expert guidance and strategies, solidifying the city’s status as the “Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

5. Can Jaipur’s coaching centers cover the entire Rajasthan Police SI syllabus comprehensively?

ANS. Coaching centers in Jaipur prioritize comprehensive syllabus coverage, establishing their reputation as the “Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

6. Are there specific batches for different difficulty levels in Jaipur’s Rajasthan Police SI coaching institutes?

ANS. Yes, coaching institutes in Jaipur offer specialized batches tailored to various difficulty levels, enhancing their reputation as the “PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

7. How does a competitive learning environment contribute to Rajasthan Police SI preparation in Jaipur?

ANS. The competitive learning environment in Jaipur fosters a culture of excellence, a key factor in why it’s regarded as the “Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

8. In what ways do Jaipur’s Rajasthan Police SI coaching institutes integrate technology into teaching methods?

ANS. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, Jaipur’s coaching institutes enhance teaching methods, contributing to their status as the “Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

9. Are there flexible study schedules offered by Rajasthan Police SI coaching centers in Jaipur?

ANS. Yes, flexibility is a priority in Jaipur’s coaching centers, accommodating diverse schedules and further solidifying their position as the “PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

10. What additional resources do Rajasthan Police SI coaching institutes in Jaipur provide beyond regular classes?

ANS. Beyond regular classes, Jaipur’s coaching institutes offer extensive study materials, online resources, and mock tests, ensuring they are the “Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

11. How do coaching centers in Jaipur track individual progress in Rajasthan Police SI preparation?

ANS. Individual progress is meticulously tracked through regular assessments, feedback sessions, and personalized attention, setting them apart as the “Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

12. Can outstation students easily find accommodation near Rajasthan Police SI coaching institutes in Jaipur?

ANS. Jaipur accommodates outstation students with ease, offering a range of accommodation options near coaching institutes, enhancing its appeal as the “PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

13. What strategies do Jaipur’s coaching centers employ for Rajasthan Police SI interview preparation?

ANS. Specialized interview preparation modules and mock interviews are integral to Jaipur’s coaching centers, bolstering their reputation as the “Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

14. How do Rajasthan Police SI coaching institutes in Jaipur assist in time management during exams?

ANS. Jaipur’s coaching institutes emphasize robust time-management strategies, a critical aspect contributing to their recognition as the “Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

15. Are there scholarship programs available in Rajasthan Police SI coaching institutes in Jaipur?

ANS. Yes, scholarship programs are often available, demonstrating Jaipur’s coaching institutes’ commitment to accessibility as the “PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

16. How do Jaipur’s coaching centers create a supportive community for Rajasthan Police SI aspirants?

ANS. A supportive community is fostered through mentorship programs, peer interactions, and collaborative learning, reinforcing Jaipur’s status as the “Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

17. What sets apart Rajasthan Police SI coaching institutes in Jaipur in terms of infrastructure?

ANS. State-of-the-art infrastructure and modern amenities distinguish Jaipur’s coaching institutes, adding to their allure as the “Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

18. How is the alumni network of Rajasthan Police SI coaching institutes beneficial for current aspirants?

ANS. The robust alumni network provides insights, guidance, and mentorship, underscoring why Jaipur’s coaching institutes are the “PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

19. Can Rajasthan Police SI coaching centers in Jaipur provide tips for effective self-study?

ANS. Indeed, Jaipur’s coaching centers offer personalized tips and resources for effective self-study, solidifying their reputation as the “Best PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

20. How do coaching institutes in Jaipur stay updated with the latest Rajasthan Police SI exam patterns and changes?

ANS. Constant research, regular workshops, and mock exams ensure that Jaipur’s coaching institutes stay abreast of changes, maintaining their position as the “Top PSI Coaching In Jaipur.”

PSI Coaching in Jaipur
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